No Nuance November

You may have heard of No Nut November, but have you heard of #NoNuanceNovember?

As one of the latest trends on Tiktok, now with over two billion views, No Nuance November allows people to give their own hot takes without any context. Under the hashtag, Tiktok describes the challenge: “It’s #NoNuance November, so post your hot takes with no context and run.” The opinions, controversial or not, are unsolicited. The subject can be anything. The less you explain, the better. That’s what makes it exciting.

Nuance (noun): a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

To be completely honest, I did not know what nuance meant for the longest time when I was scrolling through my For You Page. I just wondered why were people making such blatant statements about anything and everything. One video can start with “ranch is horrific” and end with “Harry Styles did not invent gender fluidity in the music industry.” Then you check the comments and see users passionately debating each other on the multiple nuances stated in the video. The creator can choose to elaborate on their thoughts, but the whole point of No Nuance November is to just say your opinions and go. It’s quite fun hearing what people think about food, astrology, the environment, politics, gender, seasons, dermatology, and everything in between. 

I have accumulated some examples for you to ponder over. I will not say whether I agree or disagree with any of them. That is up to you to decide. Ready, Set, 

  1. There is nothing wrong with having privilege, it’s denying the presence of it that is wrong.

  2. The only sexuality that’s being forced upon you is straightness.

  3. The Polar Express is about nothing.

  4. People of color not wanting to date white people is very different from white people not wanting to date people of color.

  5. White colonialism is the root of a lot of societal problems today.

  6. The model minority myth is a direct tool of white supremacy.

  7. Parents do have a favorite.

  8. Student debt is only worth it if your career requires a college degree.

  9. If you say “but not all men,” correct, but definitely you.

  10. Teaching young girls “if he hits you, he likes you” normalizes domestic abuse.

  11. Saying “keep the same energy as you did for Black Lives Matter” when trying to bring attention to other current events is weird and antiblack.

  12. The yellow Laffy Taffy isn’t that bad. #JusticeforYellowLaffyTaffy.

  13. You can’t oppress the oppressor.

  14. Being in the military doesn’t automatically make you a good person.

  15. People from marginalized communities have a different aspect of intelligence that people from places of privilege don’t have.

  16. Pretty privilege is a real thing.

  17. The argument over the legalization of abortion has never been about preserving or protecting the lives of children. 

  18. Many female beauty standards are rooted in pedophilia. 

  19. You can’t claim to be a wealthy and developed nation and they say you don’t have enough money for people’s basic human rights.

  20. If you only take showers in the morning, you’re a dirty person.

  21. The idea of a woman’s worth being rooted in her virginity and a boy’s manhood stemming from having sex is r/pe culture.

  22. Being queer doesn’t mean you’re going to hell. Being straight won’t get you into heaven. 

  23. Stop calling a guy a simp just because he treats women like decent human beings. It’s the bare minimum.

  24. The whole point of wearing makeup is to look different. You weren’t catfished, you were just dumb enough to believe someone naturally has a black line on their eyelid and sparkly skin.

  25. You have to stop using the argument that the cost of living is going to go up if minimum wage goes up. The cost of living is going to go up regardless.

  26. Breastfeeding would not be as sexualized as it is if men were the ones doing it. 

  27. I don’t believe in homewreckers. Someone can’t wreck a home unless they were invited in. 

  28. There is no reason why white people should play the acting roles of characters that are BIPOC. 

  29. Feminine care products like pads and tampons should be free. 

  30. People need to stop blaming everything on their zodiac sign. Don’t base your personality off of it. You didn’t cheat because you’re a Gemini, you cheated because you suck. 

  31. The Office is better than Friends in so many ways...the actors, the script, the diversity.

  32. Normalize birth control or vasectomies for men because a man can impregnate an infinite number of women everyday for a year but a woman can only give birth once a year. 

  33. Math is red. 

How many did you resonate with? 

What would you like to learn more about? 

Any that should be explained? 

What’s your take on No Nuance November? 

I say we continue this trend. Why limit it to just one month a year? However, instead of dropping our hottakes without any explanation, let’s talk about it. Let’s not dismiss the deeper meanings behind some of these statements. I’ll start. The yellow Laffy Taffy is very much nasty. It tastes like crayon and that’s simply undebatable. On the other hand, what should be discussed more is the presence of one’s privilege. “There is nothing wrong with having privilege, it’s denying the presence of it that is wrong.” If you’re white or white-passing, acknowledging white privilege exists and works for you doesn’t diminish all the other struggles you go through. It’s the bare minimum in Human Decency 101. Let’s talk about how straightness is the only sexuality that’s being forced upon you because it is everywhere in mainstream media. Pat Parker’s poem, “For The Straight Folks Who Don’t Mind Gays But Wish They Weren’t So Blatant” offers more insight on this perspective. Let’s popularize reading more into a subject we don’t know enough about and researching on our own. I would like to learn why female beauty standards are rooted in pedophilia and perhaps I can start with Sigmund Freud. I am curious about how others feel a strong connection to astrology because I have never learned about it. I want to revisit The Polar Express and see if what others have been saying about it is true or not. I wish others understood why the model minority myth is harmful and how it is not as glamorous as it seems. What No Nuance November has provided is not just entertainment, but also an opening for us to discuss more important issues in order to better understand the world we live in and the people around us. Let’s continue the communication by listening to others and educating ourselves. 

Joey Cheng

Joey is a Sophomore studying Media, Culture, Communication with a minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. She is passionate about art and social justice issues. Her interests include digital marketing, brand strategy, and PR. She loves fashion and hopes to pursue a career in marketing. Joey is an amateur chef, hip hop fan, collector of memes, and lover of all things beauty.


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