Ephemeral: A Visualization of Euphoria

“There’s nothing I’m really passionate about, ya know? Like, I’m not dying to say or do anything, really, and every time I admit that to people, they’re like, ‘Oh, my gosh, that’s so sad,’ “ - Rue, Euphoria

The irony behind the show, Euphoria is the idea that euphoria is artificial. The producers of the show intend to capture this seemingly intangible reality of searching for and experiencing happiness as a teenager today.  The audience sees that while the characters attempt to live up to this dreamlike aesthetic, they falter because they fabricate feelings of  euphoria through drugs, lust, and temptation. Rue, the main character, battles drug addiction as she struggles with familial  loss and the feeling of being lost. In this original visualization, titled ephemeral, I wanted to showcase the raw nature of a human being, as they learn to accept themselves for who they are and embrace the love around them during a transitory phase in life. 

Lets make love our religion.

People tend to get detached 

When they falter

They lose faith

But if we lose faith in love

We lose the will to live 

Love is all consuming

It is inscribed into our heart

A mere organ 

Containing the vessels which allow us to breathe

You cannot breathe without your heart

And by the transitive

You cannot live without love

Whoever you are

You deserve love

You are worthy of the  life

That comes with love

So worship it

Worship the emotion within you

Pray to your heart

And let go of greed

Lauren Marcolus is an incredibly passionate dancer and environmental advocate who incorporates her love for music and the environment into her art. She is also a part of the NYU Pulse dance collective and NYU Outburst dance team. 

Kavya Thakkar

Kavya is a junior studying MCC, Journalism and BEMT. She harbors an intense obsession for traveling, writing, and singing. She always intends to use her voice as a platform to draw attention to social issues because the human voice is an instrument and it is important to know how to use it!




No Nuance November