Should We Be Ditching Trending Beauty Categorizations?

Are you more  "deer pretty" or a "bunny pretty?” Do you know if you have a bright winter, deep autumn, or true spring color palette? Have you ever considered your visual weight? These are the burning questions flooding the social media beauty scene, leaving countless enthusiasts pondering their perfect categories. But are these beauty labels really about celebrating individuality or just adding to the noise?

At first glance, these categorizations seem like a lifeline for those drowning in the endless sea of beauty options. They offer quick quizzes and roadmaps to help you find your signature look, telling you exactly which hairstyle suits your face shape or what colors will make your skin pop. And sure, they do just that, proving super helpful for many. But let's flip the coin.

While these categories might provide direction, they can also unintentionally squash creativity and stifle individual expression. By boxing people into predefined categories based on arbitrary criteria like animal comparisons or seasonal color palettes, we inadvertently pile on pressure to fit into these molds, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt for those who don't neatly align. What if you don't feel like you fit the mold of "deer pretty" or "bunny pretty"? Does that mean you're somehow less beautiful or less worthy of recognition? Moreover, the relentless pursuit of finding your perfect category can trap you in a cycle of comparison and dissatisfaction, constantly chasing an unattainable ideal.

And let's not forget how these labels perpetuate narrow beauty standards and reinforce harmful stereotypes. By associating certain traits or features with specific categories, we risk excluding those who don't fit neatly into these predefined boxes. Beauty should embrace all shapes, sizes, and identities, not shut them out. Are we really moving forward with inclusivity, or are we taking steps backward?

But perhaps the most sneaky aspect of these trends lies in their consumerist nature. As popular influencers and brands jump on the bandwagon, it fuels the need to buy, buy, buy in order to keep up. Want to know your personal color? Fork over $200 for a consultation! If you find out you’re cool toned, well, it looks like there's a whole line of products waiting for you to splurge on! This endless cycle of trends and products reveals the darker side of these seemingly harmless beauty trends.

So where does that leave us? In a world flooded with beauty categorizations, it's crucial to approach them with a critical eye and a dash of skepticism. While they can offer guidance and inspiration—and let's admit it, they're kinda fun to play with—they should never dictate your beauty or self-worth. Remember, these labels are just trends, and they'll come and go with the tide of time. What matters most is doing what feels right for you and embracing your uniqueness.

Katerina Araki

Katerina is a freshman majoring in Media, Culture, and Communications planning to minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. She is originally from Hawai’i and greatly enjoys exploring the many different cultures New York City has to offer. Katerina is also an ENFP that has a passion for anything related to fashion, beauty, and the arts, but is always interested in learning new skills. If you ever need someone to chat or adventure with, she is your girl!


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