Fashion Designs Shift from Shelves to Screens

The world's newest fashion trends are not just seen in the artistic capitals of New York, Paris, and Milan during their bi-annual fashion weeks. They are not just seen on elegant models walking swiftly down the runway, surrounded by spectators of admiration. Instead, they are being seen outside our physical realm, including the metaverse and digital platforms. 

Through our post-pandemic lifestyles, our everyday routines have shifted, with many of us working remotely and staying indoors more often. As an effect, society has adapted to online resources, platforms, and devices. Online shopping, for instance, has become more apparent in addition to the rapid increase in food and grocery delivery services, health appointments, and office meetings. 

How can businesses still stay connected to their consumers while adapting and providing experiences from a digital perspective? It's simple— by bringing those products online. In the sense of convenience and inspiration, looking at the recent moves in fashion merchandising and product placement, it's evident that brands are catching up to new societal norms. 

This past year, Roblox became a powerhouse in the fashion industry. By live-streaming fashion shows, releasing exclusive merchandise drops, and partnering with various luxury fashion houses, Roblox shifted the typical clothing consumer to an even younger audience. Clothing for avatars in video games became a consistent investment and innovation. Using new Layered Clothing Technology, developers could accentuate previous characters with 3D model clothes, developing texture, volume, and unique individuality to avatars and their accessories. 

The new developments from the digital world of Roblox are not going unnoticed. In fact, in 2022, over 62 million clothing items and attached accessories were created by more than 11.5 million of the platform’s users. Furthering creativity in the game allows younger users to develop critical elements of self-expression and inclusivity. 

"​​Seven in ten consider inclusivity in digital clothing designs to be 'very' or 'extremely' important. This challenge can be addressed by new technology like Layered Clothing, a new feature that's been embraced by both our community creators and users," claims Roblox.

Other platforms and brands are continuously opening their products to the metaverse and digital realities. Lacoste has created products in collaboration with Minecraft's site, and Ralph Lauren has also worked with Roblox. 

More prominent brands shifting products from shelves to screens will provide a trend in the fashion business. Brands have understood that successful marketing techniques can be done through the internet, specifically on digital platforms that offer users custom styled avatars. 

In the past month, Adidas has launched its first NFT Drop, allowing customers to choose from 16 pieces for its  'Virtual Gear' collection. Users can then take this clothing to their digital platform of choice within Web3— a reiteration of the internet where users have more control and privacy— and its style will transform based on whatever metaverse the user is playing in. This strategic technological advancement allows Adidas clothing to be seen on numerous gaming sites and platforms, becoming a direct form of marketing and publicity for the clothing brand. 

As virtual realities, metaverses, and platforms become more accessible to the worldwide population, brands will continue to adapt to these shifts, in order to further their product development for consumers. Brand engagement and management are crucial to any fashion house, streetwear brand, or accessory company; therefore, it becomes imperative that organizations continue developing their perspectives of the metaverse through branding. 

Outside movements form fashion trends, and as society shifts, brands must cooperate with these changes. Relevance is key, and strategy is essential. 

Josh Kenny

Josh is a second year double majoring in Media, Culture, and Communication and Journalism, with a minor in BEMT. He enjoys various areas of fashion as well as finding new thrifting spots in the city. In his free time, you can find him at a coffee shop doing work or exploring new restaurants with friends. He is passionate about music, including some of his favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Halsey, and Lana Del Rey.


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