Mommy's Birthday Surprise

Mommy’s Birthday Surprise

Lights come up in a modern kitchen. There is a small table, set for four, with fresh flowers in

the center. RICHARD stands at the stove making scrambled eggs. Suddenly, four-year-old

JOHNNY sprints through the kitchen with a toy airplane.


Woooooosh!!! Bam! Mommy’s birthday plane coming through! Birthday surprise plane coming through! Meow!


Son, come back here! No running in the house! And be quiet while your mother rests!

JOHNNY continues to run off stage left and RICHARD chases after him. A crash is heard.

RICHARD (cont’d from offstage)

Well Christ, Johnny! Are you okay? (JOHNNY begins to cry). It’s okay son, don’t cry. Be a man and stop that.

JOHNNY sniffles and stops crying.


Sorry, daddy.


It’s alright. C’mon.

They enter the kitchen again and RICHARD runs to the stove.


Damnit! These eggs are burnt now. Do you see what happens when you run in the house, Johnny? Now go get your sister up while I try and fix these eggs.

JOHNNY nods and scampers upstairs. RICHARD spends a few minutes trying to save the last bits of eggs that aren’t burnt. He puts them on a plate on the table and pours coffee into a mug. JOHNNY returns, this time with his older sister, BEVERLY, in tow.


Good morning, Papa.


There you are, Beverly! It was getting late. We’re trying to get set up for your mother’s birthday.


I’m sorry.


Now, you got your mother a present, right?


(Smiles proudly). Yes! Johnny and I found it and wrapped it and everything!


Good. Now, Beverly and I will go get your mother and, Johnny, you can grab the present.

RICHARD exits to go upstairs and BEVERLY follows. JOHNNY stays in the kitchen. From stage left, he drags in a large gift bag. The top is stapled shut. He leaves it next to the table and briefly walks away. He pauses then looks back at the bag. He slowly walks over to it.

JOHNNY (softly)

Hello? (He pokes the bag). Mommy’s birthday! Mommy’s birthday surprise! (He pauses).

Birthday surprise.

JOHNNY looks around quickly before dragging the bag back off stage. A large ripping sound is heard.  JOHNNY giggles and skips back into the room, empty-handed. RICHARD and BEVERLY return with ELIZABETH.


Oh, Richard, sweetheart, this is all just too nice! And breakfast too? (She kisses him on the

cheek). Thank you.


Of course! Now, everyone let’s just sit down and have a nice calm breakfast, okay?

JOHNNY giggles loudly and they all look at him before sitting down. Just as they are about to eat, a crash is heard off stage.


What in God’s name was that?


Everyone stay here.

RICHARD stands up and begins walking slowly towards where the crash was heard. Before he can get there, a thud is heard, and then another crash. JOHNNY giggles and claps his hands.


Oh, Richard, do you think someone broke in?


What the - (Another loud crash. RICHARD walks offstage). Huh. There’s nothing here. The vase is broken and Johnny’s plane was knocked over but there’s no one else here.


Richard, what in the world do you mean there’s no one else there? How did it get knocked over then?

JOHNNY giggles again.


Johnny, stop that right now. This is no laughing matter.


Wait, Johnny did you -


Be quiet, Beverly. Speak when you are spoken to, please.  Richard, do you hear that?


Hear what?

BEVERLY (whispering)

Johnny! Did you-


Shhh, Beverly! Did you not understand when I told you to be quiet? Richard, darling, I think I hear something upstairs.

A loud crash is heard from upstairs. RICHARD runs back from stage left and exits stage

right. They hear his footsteps clomping up the stairs and walking around.


Johnny, does Mother know about the surprise?

JOHNNY shakes his head, grinning.

BEVERLY (cont’d)

Ugh!  Mommy, I know what’s making the noise!


Beverly, how in the world could you know what this is? You’re being a ridiculous little girl and letting your imagination run wild. Please try to stay calm, there could be an intruder in our house!


No, listen to me! Johnny let the cat out of the bag!


Beverly, please. This is no time for silly idioms! Johnny hasn’t told me whatever your little

surprise is, so I don’t know whatever birthday secret you’ve all been talking about. This is really

not the time to worry about that though, even if he had told me!


No, he seriously let -


Shhh. (Calling upstairs). Richard, do you see anything?


No, not yet. If there’s anyone up here, I have a gun! You are trespassing in a family home! 


Mommy, seriously, it’s just that Johnny let the ca-


Beverly, cut it out! I don’t care about my birthday surprise, okay? Johnny didn’t tell me anything and you are not being very ladylike right now. 


I let the cat out of the bag!


Johnny, stop with those idioms! I don’t -

Suddenly, RICHARD stomps down the stairs holding a wriggling gray cat. He is irate. He pauses in the doorway of the kitchen, glaring at the kids, before tossing the cat onto the counter. It wanders lazily across the counter and nibbles on the burnt scrambled eggs left in the pan.


Who let the cat out of the bag?

Everyone is silent for a moment.


Oh. (She pauses). That kind of cat and bag.

Anna Whitescarver

Anna is a California girl in her last year at NYU, studying MCC with a minor in Ancient Studies. She enjoys snacks, ancient Egypt, reading, cool outfits, and being perfect. With such varied interests, Anna has worked across many different fields including fashion, social media content creation, app development, and fundraising. She has also worked with CommClub as a content creator since her freshman year, writing comedic sketches and drawing strange pictures. You can find her taking selfies in the sun or calling her mom while wandering around Trader Joes. Feel free to reach out on Venmo or anywhere to discuss these hobbies!


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