where we put our wishes

we held hands for the quickest of breaths,

me and you and the ancient whisperings

of the men and women who danced on you

before, who silently screamed wishes down

the seines and craved the purest of love

to find them under the tower that burns

the brains of any when they think of you,

what morsel of time we created together

is the best thing i have ever tasted,

as if the stars and the milky way went out

on a blind date and concocted our time together,

a menu that was both priceless

and breathless,


you are my first forbidden love,

my first taste of the cosmos

and i don’t think i will ever regain the heart

to scream my wishes

down anything but the seines

Lauren Roche

Lauren Roche is a current junior studying Media, Culture and Communication at NYU. She harbors a modest obsession with coffee, John Mayer, and Harry Styles. Lauren is extremely excited to be a part of this community and more than happy to bring her old writing habits out into the open. If you have any ramblings about music you'd like to share with her, e-mail her at lr2361@nyu.edu :)




Uncommon Places