What are the five freedoms of the First Amendment? He asked.


She paused. I don’t know, what am I missing? Replied Amy Coney Barrett. 

A week before the election they sealed the deal.

When I heard the news my heart broke.

Please tell me this isn’t real,

Please tell me this is a joke.

Why do they not consider how we feel? 

Yes, this is she, the person they chose to appoint

To the highest court of law until death does us apart.

Just when living in America in 2020 was difficult enough,

I learned to take back my trust.

Goodbye civil rights, we’ll miss you.

Nothing feels right, everything’s unjust.

Seems like being disappointed is nothing new.

But please, excuse my commentary, 

I just hope that The Handmaid’s Tale is not a documentary.

It’s scary seeing how our rights are in danger.

An end to Roe V. Wade means my body will be controlled by a stranger.

America is going backwards at this rate.

Where is the separation between church and state?

They claim that America is so great.

While some of us protest for equal rights like it’s 1968. 

How is marriage equality still being questioned?

Why care who others love? What is with the obsession?

And make it make sense, is my body not my possession?

For years, BIPOC have been fighting and begging for equality.

For some of us, the future is hard to predict.

Human lives are affected by policies,

So it’s impossible for us to ignore the politics.

Some of us are still being called savages

And some children are still in orphanages.

Take a moment to recognize your privileges;

Ask yourself what you can do with it.

Speak up about issues that may not affect you.

Be supportive, an ally, or an advocate.

We can’t let this chaos continue.

Land of the free and home of the brave,

Please make our wish come true.

Trump 2020, but put it on a 

Joey Cheng

Joey is a Sophomore studying Media, Culture, Communication with a minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. She is passionate about art and social justice issues. Her interests include digital marketing, brand strategy, and PR. She loves fashion and hopes to pursue a career in marketing. Joey is an amateur chef, hip hop fan, collector of memes, and lover of all things beauty.


Twilight, Revamped


Schitt's Creek: A Silver Lining