Student Spotlight: Enzo Vallente

Enzo Vallente  is a MCC sophomore hailing from Manila in the Philippines. He is currently studying abroad at NYU’s Prague program, one of the most popular sites for MCC students.

Vallente became interested in MCC because of its wide array of learning opportunities: “MCC had the most specific program; I was always interested in communications, but I was also interested in the other parts of MCC...the media and the culture.” Along with that, Vallente was drawn to NYU because of its unique campus feel and the adventure of being in NYC. “The vibe of NYU’s campus was very interesting,” he said. “They kick you out of the sheltered-ness of high school.”

So far, Vallente’s experience in MCC has been eye-opening, to say the least. “You don't think about media in these grand ways, you kind of just consume.” He has always been interested in advertising, and MCC has expanded his perspective on it: “It’s great being able to dissect [advertising] in classes. Like issues of race of gender and how stereotypes are passed learn how they still occur and figure out ways to combat that.”

Post-graduation, Vallente hopes to take these studies into the advertising industry. He is inspired by what MCC has taught him and has a bold, activist outlook on going into the industry. “Advertising has such a big pull and these hegemonic powers want you to see the world in a specific way. I want to shift that around,” he said. Furthermore, he wants to maintain his inclination and passion for analyzing media. “I want to analyze things like race and gender and get others interested and thinking about it.”

To accompany his MCC major Vallente chose a Creative Writing minor. “Creative writing is a brilliant thing to bring into MCC,” he said. “MCC can be a little restrictive, so in terms of stretching your creativity, creative writing keeps you on your toes and in that creative mindset. And this, I feel, is important to advertising.”

Outside of MCC, he is the social media chair (and sometimes a writer and actor!) of the Asian American Theater Club, a member of The International Philippines Organization, and a prospective writer for NYU’s literary magazine, West 10th. Vallente believes in having a creative outlet, so in order to keep up with his own he started a brilliant poetry Instagram: @enzovallente.poetry

When asked what advice he’d give incoming MCC students, Vallente made it clear to take your time and try not to give into the pressure MCC may bring. “Don’t try and do everything at once! MCC is a big major and you feel like you should be doing something all the time. It can be a good thing, but it’s important with MCC – and especially with all the pressure – to relax and enjoy being a student as well. Take your time with it, marinate.”

Enzo Vallente at The Punkva Caves in the Czech Republic during his study abroad program. Photo courtesy of Cynthia Li.

Enzo Vallente at The Punkva Caves in the Czech Republic during his study abroad program. Photo courtesy of Cynthia Li.

Audrey Romjue

Audrey Romjue is a junior majoring in MCC with a minor in Producing. She loves writing, especially when it comes to showcasing the talents of her fellow MCC students! Other than writing for the CommClub, Audrey is involved in Views from NYU (NYU's late-night talk show) and spends her free time doing photography, filmmaking, and exploring NYC. 


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