MCC Student Spotlight: Jamie Valdez

Jamie Valdez at Washington Square Park

Jamie Valdez at Washington Square Park

Jamie Valdez is an MCC junior, with concentrations in Technology and Society, Interaction and Social Processes, and Images and Screen Studies. She is originally from Hawaii, and decided to come to NYU because it was far from her hometown and because it would provide her with greater work opportunities. She applied to NYU undecided with an indication to study away, and was placed in the Liberal Studies program as a first-year away student at the Florence campus.

In Liberal Studies, Valdez’s advisor introduced MCC to her, which sparked Valdez’s interest in the program. So far, she has enjoyed her time in MCC and at NYU. “I’ve met a lot of people who seem to think similarly, which is really cool. I’m able to talk about current events and be on the same page as everyone and have that same cultural train of thought” Valdez says of the program.

Valdez’s main research interests are on identity and media: “It's been mainly focused on representation in media and cultural processes. It's about the politics of it, but also more of how things are created, like ads, film, tv and how representation caters to identity.” After NYU, Valdez hopes to apply her MCC studies to work in the entertainment and technology industries.

Outside of NYU, Valdez is involved with marketing for Spoon NYU, where she helps put on events with restaurants and people in the food industry through outreach to various locations in the city. She also runs her own t-shirt business, which is launching a new line coming soon: “I just came up with a new line its called ‘in love’,” she says excitedly, “I’m going to have people model it who are of the LGBTQ+ community.” To stay updated on her clothing line, follow the company’s instagram: @indievisuals_.

Valdez has worked hard in her MCC path, and advises incoming students to keep in mind that the major is very broad and that you should focus on what you are interested in. “It's definitely a major that is what you make of it. In MCC, you should try to learn things that you can stick to instead of things that are so specific that they would only be relevant in what you are trying to achieve.”

Valdez plans on finishing up her studies and graduating early in the Fall of 2019. She hopes to spend her last semester at NYU’s new LA campus, where she eventually wants to work and live.

Audrey Romjue

Audrey Romjue is a junior majoring in MCC with a minor in Producing. She loves writing, especially when it comes to showcasing the talents of her fellow MCC students! Other than writing for the CommClub, Audrey is involved in Views from NYU (NYU's late-night talk show) and spends her free time doing photography, filmmaking, and exploring NYC. 


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